Bigoli - The Bigoli is a long, fat pasta (solid in the middle), like a big spaghetti of Venetian origin. It is spread throughout the region and is also found in East Lombardy.
The recipe for bigoli is traditionally prepared with wheat flour, water, and salt.
Bigoli Al'anatra |
There are different recipe variations of bigoli that are obtained by varying the type of flour used. Saracen flour is black and is used to make darker (brown) bigoli. Some recipes also call for duck eggs to be used instead of water.
There are so many traditional sauces with bigoli, however, the most common is from the mountainous areas of Veneto, "Bigoli All'Anatra" - bigoli with duck sauce. Other common recipes are: Bigoli al Baccala - from Vicenza; or Bigoli con Sardele - from Venice.
Every year, on the last week of April, the so-called "party of the bigoi Torcio" is held in Limena (Padova province). Every Saturday and Sunday in May is "The Feast of Bigoli in Rovolon" (also in Padova) in the vicinity of Carbonara. There is another festival held in May on the third weekend, also held in Abano Terme in Monterosso.
Bigoli dough recipe
Bigoli dough
400g (3cups) of flour ("00" or cake flour)
3 eggs (you can also use duck eggs, however their eggs a slightly bigger and modifies the recipe)
Water (small amount, appx 2-Tbsp)
Salt - 1 Tsp
In a bowl mix the flour and eggs with a fork until it has formed clumps in the flour. Switch to using your hand(s) and mix rigorously. When the dough has become one large ball, move to tabletop (preferably a wood surface) and continue to work and mix the dough with your hands just like any other pasta dough. Bigoli is traditionally made using a torchio, make sure you load your pasta with it floured into the cylinder. Begin to twist and cut twice for one cylinder load of dough. flour liberally and ensure the pasta is not sticking while coming out.
Duck Sauce
500g Bigoli
400 duck meat minced
1 tbsp butter
1 cup broth
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 carrot
1 cup oz red wine
4 tbs of heavy cream
thyme to taste
marjoram to taste
1 bay leaf
Grana Padano to taste
parsley to taste